Sharing my knowledge about data analytics and programming.
Introduction I'm currently learning SQL from DataQuest and other resources. In this blog post, I'll write about what I've learned about the following...
My key takeaways from the first course · Part 1 - Foundations The first course of the Google Data Analytics Certificate focuses on introducing the...
Modern JavaScript Series · Closures in JavaScript Closures can be a confusing subject. But before we get into exactly what closures are, we should...
Modern JavaScript Series · Destructuring in JavaScript ES6 introduced the new destructing assignment feature, which makes it easy to destructure objects...
Modern JavaScript Series · Introduction to this The this keyword is often a source of confusion for new JavaScript programmers. In this blog post I'll...
Modern JavaScript Series · Three ways to define a variable In JavaScript there are three ways to define a variable. There's the old var and the new let...